55th Reunion: Oct. 16, 2021



Photographs and a video of the beautiful, historic Corinthian Yacht Club:



We sent this out a few weeks ago-- in case you didn't get it, we're making it part of the website. In it there's information about our 55th Reunion and a short video link. There will be more information to come very soon-- VERY SOON. Sorry to say, we had to change the price of the event from $66 to $70. We know, $66 was so adorable. So sorry, we promise to make up for it with lots of delicious, free, hot appetizers served by very attractive servers. Now would be a good time for you to update your Profile Info on this site. We especially need accurate email addresses. 


Hi "Old" Friends, 

It was 4 years ago this week that we had our 50th Class Reunion. If you were one of the 164 people in attendance, you know how special it was. We want you to know that your trusty Reunion Committee has been meeting to plan the 55th Reunion, albeit meeting very sporadically— (in case you haven’t heard: THERE’S A FRIGGIN’ COVID-19 PANDEMIC WREAKING HAVOC ON THE PLANET, AND GUESS WHAT? IT LOVES OLD PEOPLE!) 

Hopefully we will be finished with this pesky pandemic by this time next year with our curves flattened and Dr. Fauci but a vague memory…but who knows? The Class of 1965 had to postpone its 55th Reunion until next September of 2021. 

The cost of our 55th Reunion Gala is a mere $66— a REAL bargainI know you'll want to pay right this very minute, but you’ll just have to wait until we figure out how to edit our webpage to change the “PAY” button to reflect the new cost— down from $99 to $66. Irresistible, right?

We hope you and your families are healthy and happy. As my completely adorable granddaughter would say, “NO VIRUS. GO AWAY!"

More details on everything to do with the reunion coming soon.

Here’s a little video to whet your appetite for October 16, 2021.

If you’re viewing this on a phone or tablet, you might want to turn it to horizontal mode. I hope you are able to access the video through this link. I’m trying a new application called SPARK VIDEO from Adobe. Stay safe.
